Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Poster Ideas

So, I got bored creating paper sculptures like how I had been previously, because all the outcomes seemed to be similar. Therefore, I had a look at an online magazine that my old art teacher made me subscribe to back in sixth form. It's called Lost at E minor, and it is awesome.
On there I found a Sydney based design studio called Philter, who made an amazing poster hand crafted out of paper to represent the letter 'F'. It takes the particular letter into consideration and uses a firey flame design.

This also got me thinking about making the desired type with paper instead of a separate form to which the type would be added, and this was also discussed in the previous workshop that I attended on the 18th Feb. So my idea now is to include the '100 years' type that is required in the poster brief, into the actual paper sculptures. That can then be photographed and additional text added through photoshop. 

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